Friday 17 November 2017

Perspective 8 - Truman show Postmodernism

  • hyperrealism is a reality that’s more real than real, it is more enhanced to the point our desires are more than reality. 
  • simulacra - a representation of a person or thing
  • Simulation - a representation of something that replaces that is actually being presented.
  • Fake news is a type of journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation spread via traditional print and broadcast news media.

why the Truman show is postmodern 
  1. is a simulation by having every resident apart from Turman himself having roles to play and to follow, he is living not in life but the creators vision of a hyperrealism that is a blend of the real which is Truman and the fiction which is everyone else. 
  2. it is Pastiche as it takes 50s and 60s American culture and controls it with 90s technology. It  blends the genres of comedy, drama and the suspense of horror/thriller films. 
  3. The film is a metafiction, for it is multiple realities within a huge reality a film about actors acting. 
  4. is a representation of  Fake news in america that can be instilled into the whole plot of the truman show as he is controlled by the creators and the actors that revolve around putting on a show for the audience.
  5. it breaks the fourth wall for the film  by intelligent product placement and the introduction of commercials.


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